Terms & Conditions
Buy My House Experts will complete the purchase of a standard property within 2-4 weeks subject to survey. We have, however, completed purchases in as little as 48 Hrs.
A valuation of the property will be instructed prior to the sale being completed at our cost.
Should it be necessary, we will also acquire a builder’s report at our discretion together with additional searches against the property as necessary.
As we are a trade buyer of properties we do not pay the full market value of a property. The price we can pay for a property depends on the property type, area, condition, age and construction type and is subject to final valuation of which up to 80% of the property value is paid.
Our initial offer is conditional upon final survey and is subject to any adverse entries being revealed in the searches carried out against the property and any other matters which are subsequently revealed to us which would affect the market value of the property.
We will not without your consent release or misuse confidential information given by you during the property sale process unless legally required to do so, however all information is shared with our 2 sister companies Tramperly Ltd and UK Property Sellers Ltd. We will keep clear records of all transactions for a period of 3 years.
You are free to use any solicitor of your choice that will give you independent legal advice and abide by all Law Society guidelines and are acting on an independent basis for you the client.
We will try to solve any disagreements or complaints quickly and efficiently and will acknowledge receipt of any complaint within 5 days together with a full response within 15 working days. Should you wish to make a complaint please do so in writing and a response will be provided as above. If, after following our formal complaints procedure (above), you are dissatisfied with the responses from us you can direct any complaint to The Property Ombudsman.
Buy My House Experts are members agents of The Property Ombusdman scheme for dispute resolution and we are bound by their code of practice. The Ombudsman can be contacted directly at the following address:
Beckett House
4 Bridge Street
Wiltshire SP1 2LX
We will not discriminate against any person under the definitions of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 or the Race Relations Act 1976.
We will not discriminate, or threaten to discriminate against any prospective Buyer of your property because that person refuses to agree that we will (directly or indirectly) provide services to them.
Initial valuations are based on an analysis of recent transactions registered with the Land Registry and similar properties within the property area, additional factors such as décor and appearance are also taken into account.
Valuations are only a recommendation to the vendor and are subject to full survey and subject to contract.